Sunday, 7 October 2007


I think this makes a good deal of sense except it'll take teachers out of the classroom - again! Schools are already suffering and using teaching assistants in the light of the last cut in teacher contact time.

3 careful considerations:

bluefluff said...

I can't see anything in that article that actually says what teachers would be required to do. It's all rhetorical questions & waffle & hot air.
"Do you have a commitment to continuing work-based learning?"
"Good, you're in. Next please."
Five years free of deckchair-rearranging 'initiatives' would probably do more good.

Tonit said...

They have already implemented 'Performance Management' for this academic year. Professional development targets are set by the teacher and their line manager. Teachers then have to provide evidence of achievment, which is directly related to pay increase. So they are already doing this, I guess the article is saying they will also link it to their registration with the GTC?

Kate said...

When I was in Atlanta in July, I met many teachers from other countries. Can't remember which country it was, but they have a very long summer holiday and teacher return 4 weeks before the kids to do all the planning, preparation and training for the year. Seemed a wonderful idea to me!!