Monday, 31 March 2008
---- Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Posted by Nogbad at 18:15:00 0 careful considerations
Sending this simply because I can - I'm on a train with a free (but slow) wifi connection! How cool is that?
Posted by Nogbad at 15:59:00 0 careful considerations
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Simple twist of fate
Many years ago I worked as an auditor for a group of funeral directors. They were a national company and I was responsible for the businesses north of Birmingham. One day I arrived at a satellite office in Kidsgrove and as I waited for someone to let me in I saw a plaque to say that RJ Mitchell had been born there. On Friday I saw a train with his name on it - how spooky is that? Of course there will be some reading this who don't know who Mitchell was but he has a page on Wikipedia so he must be famous :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 23:33:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: planes, trains
Boyz night in
The weather precludes anything which means staying outside for long so Cal and I have had a film-fest. Stocked up on food yesterday and got stuck in to "Casino Royale". We saw it at the cinema shortly after release and I'm still a fan though I think it gets lost a little in the middle. Today we had to go out (cab service for Rowan) but we slotted in "National Treasure" and "Die Hard 4.0". We saw National treasure 2 at the cinema recently so it was interesting to see how much it followed the formula/plot of the first. Bruce Willis in vest and blood is predictable but fun and comparing the 21st C plot with the original is fascinating.
Cal is going home tomorrow and I've still got another four films to watch!
Posted by Nogbad at 22:36:00 2 careful considerations
Friday, 21 March 2008
Sheep shot
Posted by Nogbad at 17:31:00 2 careful considerations
I love personalised adverts
Posted by Nogbad at 09:57:00 3 careful considerations Folksonomy: cream, hair
Thursday, 20 March 2008
5 Ways To Have Fun with Twitter When You're Bored - ReadWriteWeb
5 Ways To Have Fun with Twitter When You're Bored - ReadWriteWeb
Laura blogged this and I love it but I did have to read her post a few times to work out what she's calling Martin - I really should wear my glasses when reading blogs......
Posted by Nogbad at 07:36:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: twitter
Monday, 17 March 2008
£10.4bn skills council scrapped
The Learning and Skills Council is to be abolished, as local authorities take charge of training places up to 18.
Predictable really - the government emasculated the LSCs years ago and they've been lining them up for abolition. Of course there will now be a period during which anything which goes wrong will be due to "the previous setup" followed by a period while "everyone is getting used to the new arrangements" and while all this is happening FE colleges will be further starved of funds and adults (young and older) will miss out on opportunities to improve their skills.
Posted by Nogbad at 14:22:00 1 careful considerations Folksonomy: FE, funding, LSC
Posted by Nogbad at 12:19:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: castle, Kent, Rochester
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Don't forget Tibet
This dramatic photograph shows crowds, including priests, openly displaying the Tibetan flag - in Tibet - while being watched by police. The Chinese authorities claim that 10 people have been killed during the current unrest while Indian news agencies put the numbers at more than 80.
Check the BBC report for more details.
Posted by Nogbad at 17:47:00 1 careful considerations Folksonomy: tibet
Saturday, 15 March 2008
School left in dark gets apology
Three days after the thieves stole the electricity cables the authority provided a generator but it broke down within 24 hours. Jill Hewett, whose son Josh is a pupil at Grange Park, said: "If this was a big school, a mainstream secondary school, with say a thousand children in it, this problem would have been sorted out within days.
View Original Article (BBC Kent)
Posted by Nogbad at 17:38:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: KCC
Thursday, 13 March 2008
The first casualty of war?
Ministry of Defence teaching materials that give an unbalanced view of the Iraq war are being used in schools, teachers' leaders have said.
It seems that some of the more brutal realities of the war in Iraq have been missed from materials provided for use by schools and while we're at it military recruiters play down the potential dangers of a military career when talking to schoolchildren.
It's probably me but I'm not really surprised by this - I'm not being cynical but pragmatic.
Let's look at the recruitment issue first. The military "consumes" people each year through natural wastage - after 20-some years, at an age between 40 and 50, the longest serving foot soldiers (generally those below sergeant) are slung out with a pension. They need replacing and that's why the recruiters visit schools. If they included images of ex-servicemen and women with catastrophic injuries or of body-bags it's hard to imagine that they'd fill their quotas - even now there are problems getting enough people through the doors. Last February the New Statesman highlighted some of the shortfalls and some of the strategies being adopted to try to fill the gaps.
Thus can we also be surprised that a government still stuck in a costly war isn't flooding schools with statistics about civilian casualties?
Blogged with Flock
Posted by Nogbad at 22:38:00 1 careful considerations
Sunday, 9 March 2008
So visit Blunogville please? :-)
Blogged with Flock
Posted by Nogbad at 10:07:00 7 careful considerations Folksonomy: blunogville
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Cheap jokes
Originally uploaded by nogbad the bad
Posted by Nogbad at 21:39:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: aunty's spotted dick and also her golden syrup
Monday, 3 March 2008
Config.sys is corrupt a/r/f
Brakes stuck on train so driver was told to 'reboot' it. When I worked in IT support that was always the first thing we'd suggest!
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Posted by Nogbad at 17:03:00 0 careful considerations

Posted by Nogbad at 11:03:00 0 careful considerations