This is at Tenterden - I've also uploaded a couple of videos taken there today.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Rother Valley Brewery
This is at Tenterden - I've also uploaded a couple of videos taken there today.
Posted by Nogbad at 22:44:00 0 careful considerations
Sheep marched over London Bridge
"Mrs Cottrell, 67, a former High Sheriff of Kent, drove six New Romney rams from the City side to the south side of the river on Sunday morning."And why not? My only concern is that the photo suggests that someone is driving the sheep on her behalf but as long as that's within her gift then that's fine. She's raising money to help support Canterbury Cathedral, a building which costs a few bob to keep going, and this looks like a far better way than some of those used in the past.
Full story on the BBC site
Posted by Nogbad at 14:45:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: Canterbury Cathedral, sheep
Saturday, 23 August 2008
A real gem of the Olympics has been the live text coverage on the BBC web site - the numbers are the time of the posting. Ben Dirs and his colleagues have been great value with some real dialogue between the BBC authors and people texting and using the 606 discussion boards. They've used a brilliant "light touch" and been joyously irreverent at times. Well done BBC and thanks for the coverage.
Posted by Nogbad at 14:35:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: BBC, Gold medals
Friday, 22 August 2008
Tell me what you want
Sadly it took a furniture advert for me to get my head around this wonderful piece of rock music. Hearing this fills my heart with hope that this generation might outgrow Britney and turn out alright.
Posted by Nogbad at 23:02:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: DFS, Explicit, Nickelback, Proper music, Rock Star, YouTube
Whoops! (Part XXII and counting)
For those interested in the technical stuff consider this. It's very unlikely that there are many copies of the raw data sitting around outside Whitehall, it's certainly not available in a prison because they wouldn't be seeing the police data even if they had access to data about all the prisoners - and I sincerely doubt that they have that. It's also unlikely that it's on any single system, i.e. the database storing the offender records is linked to but not the same as the "prolific offender" data which are both a subset of the police national records. I'd bet a few quid of my own money that the police records aren't stored in an Excel spreadsheet but in a rather whizzy database system with posh front-ends and password protection and stuff. Whoever downloaded these records from wherever did so because they have access (or someone did it for them) to a system at a level where access to the clever stuff wasn't a problem - Whitehall or somewhere near the centre?
One other thing to note - PA Consulting, the jokers being blamed for this fiasco, are working with the government on the national ID card scheme.....................
Tuesday, 19 August 2008

A project I'm involved with
Are you using social software / web 2.0 tools with your students? For example, social networking sites, blogs, wikis, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter ... ? If so, we would like to hear from you. We are most interested in initiatives that have been running for some time (for example, more than one semester) and those which include a reasonable number of students.
We are working on a JISC-funded project to create case studies of social software use in UK higher and further education. The aim is to help the educational community explore the potential benefits - and problems - of this new domain.
The case studies and project report will be disseminated via the JISC web site in early 2009. These resources will be of significant interest to the HE and FE community, and should attract a very wide readership.
If you think your practice might make a suitable case study, please email Dave Roberts ( at the Open University. For further details of the project, see
Many thanks & with kind regards,
The Project Team
The Open University, UK
Posted by Nogbad at 17:13:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: JISC, OU, project
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Linguistic dexterity
Posted by Nogbad at 13:25:00 1 careful considerations Folksonomy: Dutch, linguistic dexterity, no-bed
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
There is a cycle in blogging and I've reached the point at which most of us apologise because we've not posted for a while - so I won't.
I'm also considering applying to do an EdD (that's a Doctorate in Education) and bumbling around looking at what that entails.
So that's some of why I've been quiet - so there!
Posted by Nogbad at 21:59:00 1 careful considerations Folksonomy: EdD, stuff
Monday, 4 August 2008
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Posted by Nogbad at 08:48:00 3 careful considerations
Saturday, 2 August 2008

Posted by Nogbad at 17:32:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: OU, YouTube
Cricket - Horsham Festival
A good time was had by all. Click the image to go to the Flickr photostream.
Pint of the week (for me anyway) has to be the King & Barnes' Sussex in The Bear in Horsham but an honourable mention goes to the Harvey's Sussex Best in The White Hart in Arundel (shown in the photo posted earlier). Pub of the week is The Bear - anyone in Horsham should visit it for the great beer and friendly folk. Cricket moment of the week was de Bruyn's straight drive over the bowler's head for a big six which landed among the children learning tennis on the courts behind the Church End. Stickiest Tables goes to the Bar Vin in Horsham. No need to wax your arms, lean on a table here and it'll do the trick - the bar is the same (I'm afraid).
Posted by Nogbad at 11:36:00 0 careful considerations Folksonomy: beer, horsham