Sunday, 29 May 2005

Swings and Magic Roundabouts

The good burghers of Swindon certainly have a great sense of humour and display it in an imaginative use of roundabouts to confuse anyone foolhardy enough to get lost while traveling through the town. The final masterpiece is, of course, the Magic Roundabout. It isn't as daunting as it first looks - it's far, far worse - and locals insist that it's easy and safe! I've driven round it before - years ago - and the same small twinge of confusion hits when seeing the sign again. What it doesn't show is that as we all pirouette around many are as confused as each other and there are pensive glances as we try to follow the road and determine what other dancers may do next. If you would like to see more images of this road system click here.

The fun was added to by listening to R5 Live discussing the French referendum on the European Constitution - from an 8 point lead it looks now as though the "Non" vote may have been pegged back but should still shave it. Who knows what that means for the EU? It seems certain that if the French reject it there will not be a vote here, in fact debate may well be silenced for some time and with it the hopes of the UK government that we can move towards monetary union and the adoption of the Euro. I wonder how everyone feels, europhile or eurosceptic, to have key decisions like this made by the French electorate?

1 careful considerations:

bluefluff said...

I wonder how everyone feels, europhile or eurosceptic, to have key decisions like this made by the French electorate?

As both (europhilosceptic?)I'm delighted the French threw it out. Vive la diversité :-)