Wednesday, 27 September 2006
Elvis has left the building!
Posted by Nogbad at 20:27:00 12 careful considerations
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Talk like a pirate
I was going to link to a page that had all sorts of pirate phrases but whoever maintains the site has learnt about clever stuff on right-clicks and I hate being treated like a 5 year old so that's not a link I'll be using - he should go out and find out about the Internet and girls and beer rather than sitting at home messing with silly coding stuff that we can all do but chose not to!
And then I find that the link TRT posted is broken! Avast there me hearties this ain't like it was in the good old days of scurvy and rickets!
Check out the world beating prize compo that TRT is running while I grab a beer and reflect on reflection.
Posted by Nogbad at 00:25:00 1 careful considerations
Monday, 18 September 2006
Sunday, 17 September 2006
My name in lights
Posted by Nogbad at 23:18:00 3 careful considerations
Friday, 15 September 2006
Posted by Nogbad at 21:56:00 1 careful considerations
The death of Tomorrow's World?
To those of us of a certain age his voice was part of growing up.
Posted by Nogbad at 18:22:00 0 careful considerations
Saturday, 9 September 2006
Art fer art's sake!
Painter, sculptor, musician, poet, architect, engineer, geologist, anatomist, botanist, physiologist, astronomer, philosopher - this course looks at Leonardo da Vinci, an adventurous polymath. It is a multidisciplinary course with contributions from arts, technology, science and maths and computing, and therefore offers a window on study in a wide range of study areas. Leonardo will be examined as inventor, artist and scientist, and in the historical context of Renaissance Italy.Yummy!
Posted by Nogbad at 09:03:00 6 careful considerations
Friday, 8 September 2006
Living history
It has taken 10 years and about 60 volunteers to rebuild piece-by-piece a replica of the Turing Bombe - the vital machine which cracked the Nazis' Enigma Code.There is a clear link, a solid relationship, between the work there and the tool you are using to collect and read this message - and possibly the language you are reading it in too!
Widow Ruth Bourne, 80, had to wait until the 1970s before she could reveal to her husband Stephen Bentall what she had been up to during the war.
Posted by Nogbad at 21:38:00 2 careful considerations
Sunday, 3 September 2006
I went on this
The Guys went on four times each except one chap who'd had enough at three so I took his go. This shot is part of the down bit taken from the ride up. It was great fun and they were disappointed that I didn't arrive at the bottom a shivering, screaming wreck :-)

Posted by Nogbad at 23:08:00 8 careful considerations
Wicked wikis
To deliver the environmental contract, we believe policy-makers need to use a range of different approaches and tools.
These tools need to:
- Remove the Thames barrier and put in place a row of coracles
- Create the right incentive frameworks to shape individual choices
Communicate and engage with people effectively Utilise simpilisitude to congruate philiteens Show that government practises what it preachesTools that remove barriers include:
Providing simple, trustworthy and timely hen attacks. Offering convenient and well targeted personal advice and support for action. Providing essential infrastructure Equipping people with necessary skills- Hammer
Tools that create the right incentive frameworks include:
Environmental taxes and charges Grant schemes for working towards environmental targets Emissions trading schemes and other market based incentive schemes Product standard regulations -- and a clear forward path Voluntary and negotiated agreements removal of subsidies to environmentally unfriendly behaviour- Big Stick
- Owl magnet
Tools that communicate and engage with people effectively include:
Viral marketing Working through NGOs and community based organisations Well targeted advertising campaignsTools that show that government practises what it preaches include:
Sustainable public procurement Politicians modelling good environmental behaviours such as using public transport rather than ministerial Jaguars, not visiting remote locations purely for PR (such as flying themselves and a load of journalists around the world to look at melting glaciers) etc. Setting high sustainability standards when disposing of land for development Adequate funding for information, advice and support services A clear framework for assessing and improving the sustainability performance of local and central Government- Tony Blair mask
- Full Tony Blair outfit
- Hammer
Posted by Nogbad at 00:35:00 2 careful considerations
Saturday, 2 September 2006
Proud to be a Brit

Pride in coming from a country famous for tolerance, a country where all are given an opportunity to flourish, a country where healthcare and general education are free. And then you read crap like this!
I've included the photo (owned by Roger Donovan/PA) so that I'm continuing the religious theme and also so that you can see the face of bigotry in the 21st century. The clown in the fancy dress is a religious zealot called Conti and he belongs to one of the Christian sects. Of course his beliefs are mirrored by many imams so it's good to see at least some agreement between two of the groups who preach peace and love as an excuse for war and hatred. The sect he belongs to is also famously reviled for the number of sexual abuse charges levelled against its clergy around the world. From Boston, US and Scotland as well as further afield legal action has been brought against the group Conti speaks for. I really don't believe he can claim any moral ground from which to comment on the behaviour of others - do you? And even if he does make such a claim were he saying this stuff in the name of some of the other sects in this country he would be facing even more vilification. Conti "has previous" when it comes to gay rights.
Posted by Nogbad at 10:32:00 2 careful considerations
Friday, 1 September 2006
Happy birthday!
For those with an assignment or revision to be working on - check this out and thank LE2
Posted by Nogbad at 21:43:00 1 careful considerations