Wednesday 15 February 2006


Didn't see this one coming did we? The price of full time higher education has gone up by up to three thousand pounds and despite this enrolments are down by 13,000 - who would have thought it?

4 careful considerations:

Rob said...

Well yes, except that the students now don't have to pay anything up front, and repayment is deferred until they are earning. So it's actually slightly more attractive, I'd say. The real fun will begin when the £3000 cap is removed. Oxbridge etc will be charging £20000+

Nogbad said...

I think the problem is that universities and the government have been terribly bad a getting out that message - witness the increase in applications to Welsh and Scottish HEIs. While Oxbridge will goes mental when the cap is removed it'll be interesting to see where others lace themselves, part of the pricing strategy will reflect costs but there will also be the tension between attracting students and being perceived as "cheap" and thus of less value when the degree is granted.

fjl said...

Good protest nog, keep it up. We're all listening x

Nogbad said...

Thanks Fi - I'll try to remain a voice of reason despite having lost my grip on it ages ago :-)