Wednesday, 31 August 2005
Posted by Nogbad at 07:48:00 11 careful considerations
Monday, 29 August 2005
Posted by Nogbad at 09:25:00 12 careful considerations
Sunday, 28 August 2005
Cricket lovely cricket!
Posted by Nogbad at 19:34:00 7 careful considerations
Saturday, 27 August 2005
Alcohol is the scourge of the working classes
That's the disclaimer out of the way!

I got this from Coolio's (Coolios can be a tad rude but a regular here writes there and has mentioned this blog a couple of times and that's how I found it - not because I'm in any way rude! :-)) - check this out: I've done more than half of them! And that includes standing next to St James's Gate in Dublin where this photo was taken.
Posted by Nogbad at 19:48:00 8 careful considerations
"This shit is bananas"
Oooh, this my shit, this my shitI'm sure all you dudes and dudettes will know what all this is about but I'm still somewhat bemused. As long as it isn't obscene - peace and hollaback at ya!
Gwen repeats this four more times. She wants to make sure that we are well acquainted with her shit.
Posted by Nogbad at 18:11:00 6 careful considerations
Friday, 26 August 2005
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
Posted by Nogbad at 15:01:00 10 careful considerations
Posted by Nogbad at 13:41:00 4 careful considerations
Seek and ye shall find
Posted by Nogbad at 00:30:00 1 careful considerations
Thursday, 25 August 2005
You freed my body.........
The distance between the stumps on a cricket pitch is 22 yards (66 feet) which is 1/10th of a furlong (literally a furrow's length) and 8 furlongs is a mile. 22 yards is also a chain, after Gunter's Chain which was divided into 100 links. 10 square chains make an acre. A chain is divided into 4 poles (which are also known as perches or rods). 240 chains is a league and half a league is famous in a poem: | |
Half a league half a league | |
And the reason I mentioned the chain? Well I'm listening to the cricket and while on holiday last week we visited the "Weald and Downland Open Air Museum " and beside one of the houses they have a chain on display, it runs the length of a fence. The truly lovely part is that the chain is divided into 4 poles and each is identified by a different shaped tag as shown in this image. So there ya go! Anyone know where the title of this post comes from? |
Posted by Nogbad at 12:25:00 15 careful considerations
Wednesday, 24 August 2005
Flying Spaghetti Monster
![]() | |
The guys looking to teach Intelligent Design in Kansas schools face a bit of a quandry. A group of parents have asked that their belief that the world was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster is also taught in Kansas schools. In an open letter they have laid out some compelling arguments in support of their views and also shown that global warming is directly related to the decline in pirates. Have you been touched by his noodly appendage? |
Posted by Nogbad at 12:45:00 14 careful considerations
Tuesday, 23 August 2005

Posted by Nogbad at 22:38:00 5 careful considerations
People who know me well will know that one of my little foibles is that I hate being late. I even have a big digital clock which checks with a radio beacon on a regular basis to make sure it's bang on time.
Right now my laptop is without a working screen but it's my primary PC so I am using it through the desktop screen and thus upstairs in the box room.
The radio reception in the valley is appalling.
Now you are struggling to tie these things together so here goes. I listen to the radio all day while working and when downstairs it's fine as I have a digital radio. Now I'm stuck upstairs it's a tad trickier so I listen to the BBC on the Internet. I already know that there is a slight delay between the normal analogue signal and the digital signal but the lag between the digital signal and the Internet broadcast is amazing. I know the technical reasons, they have to scrunch up all those words and crush them down so that they will fit into cyberspace but I have one question - what use are the bloody time checks? When someone says "It's six o'clock and here's the news" which six o'clock is it? Is it analogue, digital or Internet?
Posted by Nogbad at 18:03:00 5 careful considerations
Got this from GW's blog:
Posted by Nogbad at 15:40:00 3 careful considerations
Posted by Nogbad at 13:54:00 9 careful considerations
Welcome back my friends..........
"Step inside! Hello! We've the most amazing show,
You'll enjoy it all we know,
Step inside! Step Inside!"
When Jim Davidson took over The Generation Game the theme music was changed to a song which features the line "Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends........" Those under the age of, say, 35 might struggle to identify the track. Even those of advanced years like me might not know that it's Karn Evil 9, First Impression, Part 2 by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. That piece opens side two of Brain Salad Surgery, ELP's 1973 magnum opus (and I probably know every word of it - I cherish my copy of the LP and the other early ELP work).
Of course now you'll be wondering where this is going - well it's simple really, the guy who invented the synth - the cornerstone of prog rock - died yesterday. The eponymous Moog changed the face of rock and roll music and was used by people from Abba to Zappa (although Queen used to tag "And nobody played synth" to the sleeve notes on their LPs) and many songs simply wouldn't work without the electronic gubbins making it happen.
Moog's family have opened a Book of Condolences and you can read more about the musical instruments at "Moog Music".
Posted by Nogbad at 12:49:00 4 careful considerations
Monday, 22 August 2005
Arcade games
Posted by Nogbad at 17:28:00 6 careful considerations
Blog spam
But what really sticks in my throat is the shabby practice of spamming to promote this web site. I'd guess that Giles Photography have had a good few hits now but sometimes it's possible to attract the wrong kind of attention.
Posted by Nogbad at 13:21:00 16 careful considerations
Sunday, 21 August 2005
Hi honey!
Posted by Nogbad at 19:04:00 4 careful considerations
Friday, 12 August 2005
Thursday, 11 August 2005

The image shows the detail from the royal crest on the Christ Church gate - I took this shot today. People far brighter than me will be able to explain the meaning of all the symbols but I can help with the one on the right. It's the Tudor Rose from the period after The War of the Roses (and thus after 1485) as it shows both roses, the red of Lancashire (the house of Tudor) and the white of Yorkshire (the house of York), joined together. I have a tattoo of the red rose of Lancashire (without the white rose!).
And further symbolism - tonight's episode of "Absolute Power" played with the idea of a cousin of Osama Bin Laden trying to buy a symbol of "Britishness" namely British Airways - very funny too until turning over and catching the news that BA flights have been cancelled because of a strike over the sacking of hundreds of catering staff.
Industrial disputes used to be called "The British Disease" - another symbol?
Posted by Nogbad at 22:56:00 2 careful considerations
If you don't do anything else.....
"On a slightly more downbeat note my good old friend Jimmy the Bollix in hospital this evening. He's posing as a doctor to steal possessions from people in comas and on life support."Pure class!
Posted by Nogbad at 00:03:00 3 careful considerations
Wednesday, 10 August 2005
Ars Gratis Ars
Posted by Nogbad at 22:12:00 7 careful considerations
Xenophobia is such a nice word
Am I alone in detecting just a little "smugness" in this line?
"But now their teutonic smugness has been punctured - by one of their own lawyers." [My emphasis]And this part is simply stupid
"German holiday habits are also under attack in Italy. A new beach behaviour guide, issued by the Italian Union of Bathing Establishments, seeks to ban beer, naked bottoms and football on the dunes, all favourite pastimes of German visitors."I can't argue that beer, nakedness and footy are not favourite pastimes of Germans but they are not pastimes unique to German tourists are they? Will I be okay getting leery on canned Stella and kicking a football around if the shorts I pull down to moon at the police have a Union Flag design?
Of course that particular piece was great for generating some of the good old "We beat 'em in 1944" comments too. I don't think I'll take a look at how The Sun covered the story.
Posted by Nogbad at 19:21:00 3 careful considerations
Cars and Canterbury
"We've carried out the diagnostic test, we know what the problem is but we won't have the parts until tomorrow morning"
Gosh I was displeased! Not because they don't carry the spare parts - that's fine. But how on earth am I supposed to believe that they had found out the results of the diagnostics at round about the time that the car was due to be collected? I don't resent the GBP11.00 taxi fare home but I do resent the wasted morning - sure it was nice being in town but I could have done some work had I been here.
Posted by Nogbad at 18:13:00 4 careful considerations
Meet with Cindy
Posted by Nogbad at 07:49:00 4 careful considerations
Serious stuff
Posted by Nogbad at 01:13:00 8 careful considerations
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Footy news
So faced with this glory what are they going to do this evening? They are going to watch a Nationwide Conference team, Altrincham FC, play this evening! The reason is simply that the Alty Chairman is also the owner of the coach company that took the Aussies round during the ICC Champions Tour last year. He decided to drive that gig and got to know the players really well and they've kept in touch. Tonight they are to be guests of honour at Moss Lane for the pre-season friendly against Bangor City. Kick off is at 19:45 (BST) and as last season's average attendance was 665 with a high of just over a thousand I'd guess that anyone wanting to catch some high quality football played by real people with heart and gusto they'd be better placed avoiding Old Trafford and getting behind Alty.
Posted by Nogbad at 18:26:00 11 careful considerations
Monday, 8 August 2005
Displacement activities
EchoMouse sent me off to grab a cute game which I grabbed and while on that site I found a few more. Check out Sky Hawk for those who remember the early arcade games but my own favourite - and one that's been eating into my waking hours - is Xor. It's frying my brains!
Posted by Nogbad at 23:21:00 5 careful considerations
Posted by Nogbad at 19:01:00 2 careful considerations
Sunday, 7 August 2005
Sex sells!
Posted by Nogbad at 19:52:00 7 careful considerations
Diary date!
Posted by Nogbad at 16:06:00 5 careful considerations
Now this came as a surprise!
You Are 14% American |
Otherwise known as un-American! You belong in Cairo or Paris... Get out fast - before you end up in Gitmo! |
Be more surprised if I scored more than Cheri on this one! :-)
(And in my defence - I really didn't understand some of the questions!)
PS - I really must credit Joe Steadman with this. He's stuck in Korea somewhere and is 80% American. Again I'm stuck trying to work out which bit isn't American, is it a bit of leg? And if it's not American what is it? Is it French or Irish or Columbian? I'm surprised to be 14% American based mainly on my previous understanding that I'm 50% English and 50% Scottish. That there is some American in there might be something I should discuss with my mother at some stage - or maybe Cheri, Brad Pitt's sex advisor can help?
Posted by Nogbad at 15:54:00 16 careful considerations
Saturday, 6 August 2005
Mind your language!
Now I live within 40 miles of the country one is spoken in, I've lived and worked in the country another is spoken in and I can get by in it but what on earth use is US English to anyone in the English speaking world?? In fact I'd argue that "US English" is an oxymoron :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 23:44:00 17 careful considerations
Posted by Nogbad at 12:46:00 3 careful considerations
Friday, 5 August 2005
Are you a hippy?
I am not a child of the 60's but my heart is true to the cause, man. I realize that being a hippie is not just bell bottoms and tie-dye. It is also about the drugs and smelling bad, too! |
Posted by Nogbad at 22:57:00 6 careful considerations
For anyone who thinks it might fit :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 20:34:00 14 careful considerations
Surge and settle

Posted by Nogbad at 14:05:00 11 careful considerations
Posted by Nogbad at 10:14:00 12 careful considerations
Monday, 1 August 2005
Twenty Major
Note of caution though; The posting also refers to the funding that Irish terrorists received from the US during "The Troubles" - Americans with an irony by-pass might be better not reading it. And I'd keep GW away from it as the paucity of logic in the WAT(TM) would be further exposed and this might cause his head to cave in ;-)
Posted by Nogbad at 11:43:00 7 careful considerations