What is the biggest and/or boldest lie Tony Blair or Jack Straw has told regarding their use, awareness and/or tolerance of torture?This draws mainly on the documents produced by Craig Murray, previously Ambassador to the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan and now a writer and broadcaster. The gvernment has been trying to gag Murray, particularly over the documents which you can read by following the link above. Interestingly the site asks that everyone copies the documents to their own site. At first vew this contradicts the idea that on the web we would link rather than duplicating material but in this instance the proliferation of these documents is a form of mass defence.
Thursday, 29 December 2005
Blair and Straw and torture
Posted by Nogbad at 16:22:00 5 careful considerations
Tuesday, 27 December 2005
Going down in flames...........
I'll not large this app up any more suffice to say that the link is here - enjoy!
Posted by Nogbad at 23:32:00 4 careful considerations
Slack blogging
Posted by Nogbad at 19:10:00 2 careful considerations
Posted by Nogbad at 15:47:00 5 careful considerations
Some science
For instance, the study found that if she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal, she is more prone to be attracted to a man with scissors lodged in his temple and a cricket bat jammed up his bum while he is on fire.
Further studies are expected.
Posted by Nogbad at 00:19:00 3 careful considerations
Monday, 26 December 2005
Weather update

Posted by Nogbad at 23:51:00 2 careful considerations
Turkey update
I hope everyone got what they wanted :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 13:39:00 2 careful considerations
Saturday, 24 December 2005
In case anyone wondered...

Posted by Nogbad at 23:58:00 4 careful considerations
Posted by Nogbad at 20:12:00 1 careful considerations
Friday, 23 December 2005
Nigel Gibsonand Barry (the postie) delivered it correctly!
Within crawling distance of The Mermaid
Posted by Nogbad at 12:56:00 4 careful considerations
Thursday, 22 December 2005
TBL's blog
Posted by Nogbad at 18:33:00 3 careful considerations
Not just me
I wasn't the only one singing carols last night.
Posted by Nogbad at 11:42:00 2 careful considerations
Mulled cider
Posted by Nogbad at 00:54:00 2 careful considerations
Wednesday, 21 December 2005
Remember fisking?
Before we get carried away with the idea that this is a US phenomenon - BBC 2003 and also in 2004. I can't find any follow up to these stories but it seems probable that individual schools in the UK are also teaching creationism at least alongside evolution if not as the sole theory. The difference here is probably that LEAs don't control the curriculum and in independent schools (or academies) and faith schools there is more latitude for this type of teaching but the latter piece suggests that some teachers feel uncomfortable with it (but not, I'd guess, all). I don't know how much a school costs nowadays but if I could afford one the first rule would be no ManUre paraphanlia and we'd teach the truth about great Mancunian football teams :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 17:20:00 6 careful considerations
Happy Solstice!

Hence the origin of the word solstice, which comes from Latin solstitium, from sol, "sun" and -stitium, "a stoppage." Following the winter solstice, the days begin to grow longer and the nights shorter and those of us who feel happier with a little sun on our back will start cheering up. Pagan's celebrate Yule today, this is the origin of the Yule log which is ceremonially burnt today and should smolder for twelve days (Twelth Night ring a bell?) before a ceremony to extinguish the flame. Pope Gregory I told missionaries (590 - 604) that it would be easier to convert people to Chrstianity if they were allowed to retain their old festivals and the outward signs of paganism hence holly, mistletoe, mulled wine and so forth. These all played a part in celebrating the end of the old year (the Holly King) and welcoming the growth of the new year (the Oak King). If anyone wants to learn a little more about these links you could start here.
Posted by Nogbad at 09:13:00 0 careful considerations
Tuesday, 20 December 2005
Waving or drowning?

She [also] admitted that her white paper lacked clarity, and that she was responsible for confusion over terminology describing trust schools as self-governing schools.Oh dear, a fighting retreat it is then. Check out the Education Guardian for a blow by blow.
Battling to save her reforms from being thrown out by Labour backbenchers, she also argued that local authorities will be given new powers to inspect the admission arrangements of any expanding or new schools before they are given approval.
Posted by Nogbad at 21:26:00 1 careful considerations
Following on from..........
"It is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their religious convictions in public, would time and again lie to cover their tracks and disguise the real purpose behind the ID Policy."I don't for one moment think that this is the end of the debate but
"Our conclusion today is that it is unconstitutional to teach ID as an alternative to evolution in a public school science classroom,"should mean that at least some children can learn science. Except, of course, it used to be unconstitutional for the NSA to bug US citizens without proper legal safeguards............
Posted by Nogbad at 19:46:00 1 careful considerations
Monday, 19 December 2005
Sunday, 18 December 2005
Some people are on the pitch, they think it's all over.........
Mit schoen Gruss und vielen dank nach Bluefluff! (With thanks also to Kenneth Wolstenholme, Tofik Bakhramov (the linesman), Geoff Hurst and the British Embassy in Berlin where the English:German football glossary is to be found)
Posted by Nogbad at 11:41:00 0 careful considerations
Saturday, 17 December 2005
More of the same?
The government wants Britain's national staying-on rate of 70%, one of the lowest in OECD countries, to rise to 90% by 2015 as part of a 10-year timetable during which 14 new diplomas, covering vocational subjects such as engineering, plumbing and healthcare, will be phased in.Now Ofsted suggested that the problems with schools is that they are not supporting those with poor literacy or numeracy skills and I've already mentioned the money being thrown at those who leave school without these basics sorted out.
Posted by Nogbad at 16:24:00 2 careful considerations
Am I the only one who finds this idea rather disturbing? Isn't it bad enough that we are captured on CCTV wherever we go? That we can be tracked by the signal from our mobile phones? Soon the banks - and anyone else who has access to this information - will not only know how much we have in our pocket but also where we spend our cash - they already know where we use our credit/debit cards.
Posted by Nogbad at 12:18:00 4 careful considerations
Open invite - let's sing carols together!
Okay, up front - you know I can't be there as I will be elsewhere but I plan to suggest to the crew I'm with that we give at least some to the same charity.
You are cordially invited to a public carol service in Parliament Square at 6pm on Wednesday the 21st of December 2005.
Now boys and girls you should be aware that under Blair's socialist dictat it is likely that singing devotional songs is illegal and this is why that site carries the following disclaimer: Please note that if you attend this carol service, it will classify as a spontaneous demonstration (of faith, hope, joy and/or religious tolerance) and there is a possibility that you will be cautioned or arrested under Section 132 of the Serious and Organised Crimes and Police Act 2005.
I am so tempted to skip the village stuff and head into town, in fact an arrest would be cheaper than getting a cab back! I also think that if I'm ever going to get arrested it really would be cool to get done for singing carols, my mum would be overjoyed (Heather - any thoughts?)
*For our non-UK based readers - SO19 are the armed response team from the Metropolitan Police (London). Most UK forces have armed response units, usually called "Trojan Units" - their cars are identifiable by large orange circles in the rear quarter-lights - and with the permission of senior officers they can unlock the weapons' safe in the vehicle and use the H&K or whatever they find therin ("Yo boys, It's Christmas! An RPG!!!!"). Most plods in the UK have the nous to realise that if they are tooled up 24/7 the game gets tougher and the blaggers will also go equipped so the cycle escalates. I'm prepared to bet a great deal that the people singing carols on the 21st will not be carrying!
In fact the next time you chaps in America are larging it up about how effective the death penalty is you may wish to consider the correlation between everybody and their dog having a gun and the murder rate - dunno, maybe I'm the first one to spot this and mention it but.........KILLING PEOPLE IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to everything that there is no confusion there!
Posted by Nogbad at 01:27:00 5 careful considerations
Friday, 16 December 2005
Here it is!
One of my few purposes is, each year, to remind people of the NORAD Santa Tracking service. This year I've also found some background gumph but the main event is here. If you haven't used this in the past I implore you to give it a go. As Santa crosses the world his movements are tracked and recorded and broadcast with voice-overs from all sorts of people (Ringo one year was my favourite). If you have children it's even better but if you still embrace the child inside yourself give it a spin - and as Ang and Fonzie and Cheri and Mouse are paying the bills in their tax dollars it's free on this side of the Atlantic! :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 23:44:00 2 careful considerations
The eBay song
The "eBay song"
A used ... pink bathrobe
A rare ... mint snowglobe
A Smurf ... TV tray
I bought on eBay
My house ... is filled with this crap
Shows up in bubble wrap
Most every day
What I bought on eBay
Tell me why (I need another pet rock)
Tell me why (I got that Alf alarm clock)
Tell me why (I bid on Shatner's old toupee)
They had it on eBay
I'll buy ... your knick-knack
Just check ... my feedback
"A++!" they all say
They love me on eBay
Gonna buy (a slightly-damaged golf bag)
Gonna buy (some Beanie Babies, new with tag)
(From some guy) I've never met in Norway
Found him on eBay
I am the type who is liable to snipe you
With two seconds left to go, whoa
Got Paypal or Visa, what ever'll please
As long as I've got the dough
I'll buy ... your tchotchkes
Sell me ... your watch, please
I'll buy (I'll buy, I'll buy, I'll buy ...)
I'm highest bidder now
(Junk keeps arriving in the mail)
(From that worldwide garage sale) (Dukes Of Hazzard ashtray)
(Hey! A Dukes Of Hazzard ashtray)
Oh yeah ... (I bought it on eBay)
Wanna buy (a PacMan Fever lunchbox)
Wanna buy (a case off vintage tube socks)
Wanna buy (a Kleenex used by Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre)
(Found it on eBay)
Wanna buy (that Farrah Fawcett poster)
(Pez dispensers and a toaster)
(Don't know why ... the kind of stuff you'd throw away)
(I'll buy on eBay)
What I bought on eBay-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y
Posted by Nogbad at 22:22:00 4 careful considerations
Snow fun!
Another that isn't scary (honest Kat!) - Enjoy!
Posted by Nogbad at 22:18:00 1 careful considerations
No excuses
So here is my Christmas greeting to everyone who wastes a little of their life reading this drivel :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 00:38:00 20 careful considerations
Thursday, 15 December 2005
Oh come all ye faithful!
Next week, on the 21st, we have carol singing round the tree. Last year it was wonderful, after a few carols outside everyone piles into the pub and it's mobbed and bouncing with everyone singing along to the piano and accordian - a great way to start the festive countdown.
On 12th night, the 6th of next year, the mummers will be performing at The Mermaid. For those who don't know mummers are travelling players who perform a traditional folk play. For details of mumming try this site.
So there you are chaps - two dates that you should really try to make!
Posted by Nogbad at 23:48:00 2 careful considerations
Tuesday, 13 December 2005
Education funding
None of the assertions made about academies, specialisation, the benefits of business or any other involvement is based on accurate, tested research. There is no research to tell us what parents (all parents) really want and nothing at all to tell us what the poorest and the underprivileged want and need and how we can motivate them. So the White Paper is like the architect's sketch drawings for a new building: a beautiful unreality with idealised people sketched in.Probably not what Mrs Kelly would want in her mailbox from a loyal member of her party. Grief, she'd probably not be overjoyed to get it from a member of the opposition party.
The view of the White Paper is that empowering pushy parents, essentially middle-class ones, will improve the lot of the underprivileged and inadequate. It won't and can't.
I doubt if our parents will man parent committees or play a dynamic role. A widespread lack of interest will give power to the prejudiced, the anal neurotic and the pushy. Our parents don't want to run schools. They are a changing group. Their involvement fluctuates. Schools want to work closely with parents but don't want to be ruled by them and the parents have no desire to do that. Unlike you, they trust the teachers.He - probably correctly - suggests that schools with middle class, pushy, parents will reap benefits but others will suffer. He cites schools in North East Lincs which cannot attract good school governors.
The improvement in education so far is largely due to more money. There are no positive proposals for increasing this. More personalised tuition for literacy and English will bring in £250 and £335 (elsewhere cited as £350) million for two years. What is needed is a further increase in teacher numbers to provide personalised teaching. Can we really provide tailored education, working through smaller groups and one to one tuition without far more staff, more assistants, and much more money?And so it goes. I'd love to see the reply.
Posted by Nogbad at 18:44:00 1 careful considerations
Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover |
You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires. And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek. You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships. It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is. |
Posted by Nogbad at 18:33:00 8 careful considerations
Monday, 12 December 2005
Winter comfort
Posted by Nogbad at 12:45:00 10 careful considerations
Saturday, 10 December 2005
What did you do today?
Posted by Nogbad at 01:27:00 3 careful considerations
I like cider
Cider makes me fart
When I fart I'm happy
When I'm happy I work
When I work I make money
When I make money I buy cider
I like cider..........
Posted by Nogbad at 00:40:00 6 careful considerations
Friday, 9 December 2005
Retro games
Posted by Nogbad at 23:30:00 2 careful considerations
Thursday, 8 December 2005
Wednesday, 7 December 2005
........ the Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) said the initiative was not working, despite the "extraordinary" amount of money the government had spent on it.So how much is an extraordinary amount of money these days? Well according to the ALI it's 2 billion quid. And what initiative has failed despite this healthy lump of change? Well it is "Skills for Life" a project announced a couple of years ago to try and deal with the problems we face because some 50% of adults in this country do not have adequate literacy and/or numeracy skills. Of course these tend to be the same people who are being shafted by life in general and are those that the government likes to refer to as "disadvantaged" but those who David Sherlock, the Chief Inspector of the ALI, has pointed out are being let down by the state edcation system. He goes on to say that
"We cannot get away from the fact that the adult learning sector is distorted to deal with the shortcomings of our schools system. Until we deal with our failure to properly equip so many young people for adulthood, let alone successful careers, we cannot hope to build a world-beating adult skills strategy."Whoops! Of course what does Mr Sherlock know? He's just a bloke paid to inspect adult learning in England. No. If you want the authorised version along comes Skills minister Phil Hope (You couldn't make that up could you?),
"We are on course to meet our target of improving the skills of 2.25 million adults by 2010."I'm not the world's best at sums but if we divvy up two billion between two and a quarter million it's about 890 quid each (isn't it?)*. Now that's going to get you a few hours of decent tuition I promise, in fact if anyone wants to bung me 450 quid I'll happily help them study to get through English and IT GCSEs or similar, but I think the major flaw in all this is that as more people become numerate even more of us will ask what the hell the government is doing spending our money in such a stupid manner.
* According to Wikipedia an English billion is 10^9
Posted by Nogbad at 18:17:00 8 careful considerations
- Stuff 1. An organization I'm doing some work for haven't paid me because their system has messed up. My +GBP 1k will arrive towards the end of December - a couple of months late - and might not have arrived at all if I hadn't chased it.
- Stuff 2. Got the result for this year's course and I passed which means that I'm now officially 2/3rds towards an MEd.
- Stuff 3. I'm going to MK on Friday to join a group of people loking at how we might use online technologies such as WIKIs to support colleagues - should be fun!
- Stuff 4. Tomorrow (Thursday, 08/12) is the 25th anniversary of the murder of John Lennon.
Posted by Nogbad at 14:51:00 9 careful considerations
Monday, 5 December 2005
Posted by Nogbad at 21:46:00 3 careful considerations
Tuesday, 29 November 2005
Macca tack
Sorry Paul but this is facile. Don't go because China denies people the right to religious freedom, don't go because of the restrictions on free speech and a free media, don't go because of the endemic torture and ill treatment of people thrown in jail without charge for months on end before being brought before courts which are not independent of the ruling party, don't go because of the ongoing occupation and pillage of Tibet, don't go because 77% of the people executed in the world in 1993 were killed in China and on a single day, 9 January 1993, 356 death sentences were handed down by Chinese courts, don't go - please don't go. But please don't go for the right reasons and whatever we think of fluffy bunnies and cats and dogs placing them above human beings is just plain wrong.
Posted by Nogbad at 09:54:00 8 careful considerations
Sunday, 27 November 2005
Idle blogging
Posted by Nogbad at 23:34:00 5 careful considerations
Saturday, 26 November 2005
How much????
Ministers have hailed the £386m Excellence in Cities scheme as a key initiative for some of the poorest parts of the country but the evaluation for the Department for Education and Skills found that GCSE grades had not risen. [Rebecca Smithers, education editor, Guardian Education,Call me cynical, call me a dyed in the wool sceptic and remind me that hindsight is always 20:20 but having had some involvement in this project I feel able to offer a few thoughts.
A DfES spokesman insisted that the evaluation only covered the period up to August 2003."This research ... doesn't reflect where we are now. In 2005, the rate of increase in GCSE performance for Excellence in Cities areas is nearly twice that of other areas for the fourth year running - up three percentage points on last year."EiC was rolled into Aimhigher just over a year ago so, just like the shell game, it's going to be harder to draw conclusions from the data following the integration of these projects. Don't forget that funding for Aimhigher is another substantial lump of change.
The Excellence in Cities (EiC) programme was introduced in 1999 to provide extra money and support for struggling inner-city schools. Schools taking part in the scheme have been awarded £1bn with a further £700m committed over the next 18 months. [Polly Curtis, Guardian Education, 11/10/2004]Hang on! My maths isn't great but I can already see a difference between the numbers being bandied around!EiC joined schools together in twons and cities. the aims included sharing good practice and, if possible, "expert" teachers. It included the Gifted and Talented activities and thus we can muddy the waters even more - pick from that list to determine what, if anything, is improving the performance of pupils.Big wads of money are mentioned by successive Ministers but much of this funding goes into admin and paying people who don't meet school age children unless they are their own. Most schools used the money for EiC coordinators to pay existing teachers for additional responsibilities but didn't give them additional time to carry out extra tasks. The administration of these schemes - at school and college level - is very time consuming and aimed at offering an audit trail rather than actually having a positive impact on the outcomes for the students involved.I don't think anyone doubts that education in this country can always use more money, particularly in inner city "sink" schools but why spread the money so thinly? In order to rope in the grammar schools they also received funding yet most have results suggesting that they cannot really improve the outcomes for their pupils. In my experience there is little or no articulation between schools regarding the G&T status of ppils, they move from primary to junior and then to secondary and college with their SATs scores (sometimes) but rarely with any additional information about the "whole" person. Sadly this government is "initiative driven" - it must make more sense to give the money to the professionals appointed to run the schools, the head teachers, and let them get on with it!
Posted by Nogbad at 12:08:00 11 careful considerations
Friday, 25 November 2005
George has gone
If I hear one more sanctimonious arschloch saying "He brought it on himself" or "What a waste of a liver" I think I'll sceam! We all die. Some a nice, tidy death in a nursing home and some a horrible death screaming at the inequity of it all. If your not being born you're busy dying. George made mistakes, we all do, and he probably had regrets but who doesn't? Nobody can doubt he lived a full life and crammed far more into his 59 years than many people who live a good deal longer.
Gone but not forgotten.
Posted by Nogbad at 13:12:00 2 careful considerations
Enya Vs Godzilla
Posted by Nogbad at 01:15:00 5 careful considerations
This concept of a public good goes way back to the start of the Internet culture and the gift economy. Unfortunately you guys aren't paying me to give you a lecture on the culture and history of the web (occasionally I turn a shilling in such pursuits) so here's a freebie curtesy of John Naughton who found it elsewhere. An aside - if you want to read one book that is a great read and explains how we got here in the wired world grab a copy of Naughton's "Brief history of the future", one of the finest books of the genre and written so damn well I'd kill for a fraction of his skill - except that as a "sort of" Buddhist I won't kill and as an employee of the Technology faculty of the Open University killing a guy that high up in the faculty may be a bad career move.
Anyway - I say that a lot by the way - John has found a super-cool way of searching Wikipedia because that baby is getting so big.
LumRiX is based on some sort of clever doings or other but let the propeller-heads worry about that, it's just very quick and that's the other thing that wiki means :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 00:27:00 7 careful considerations
Thursday, 24 November 2005
Chocolate teapots
Now we all know that people residing in the Americas don't drink tea, they sling it in Boston Harbour and go off in a hissy fit that ends up with them inventing rap music, Coke Cola, Intelligent Design and stories about WMD but I digress. Sadly there is a place in my head for name of the leader of the rebels at Boston too - Samuel Adams esq.
Anyway - here's the nub of it. I've found a smashing site which features a proper scientific test of a chocolate teapot. It's wonderful. Find it here!
Posted by Nogbad at 21:15:00 8 careful considerations
A high ranking plod was interviewed last week. Standing in a pub, sipping a glass of water and standing next to Charles Clarke - probably there to make sure that if the policeman went "off message" he could give him a thump and restore New Labour order - he explained that nasty little scrotes who go out and get bladdered on a few lager tops are the problem but upstanding pillars of society such as himself would welcome the chance to enjoy a glass of wine on the way back from the theatre or cinema. I may have missed the details of how people will be assessed on entering the pub - two doors maybe? Upstanding citizens in the snug and leery binge drinkers in the vault? perhaps you can only get a drink if you show the stub of your theatre ticket or the programme?
"Sorry sir, seeing that film only allows half a bitter and out by midnight"or
"Opera at Covent Garden Sir? That'll do nicely - pull up a comfy chair, I'll crack open the Bollinger, you can stay all week, would you like to meet my wife?"No plans to change the licensing laws at The Mermaid you'll be pleased to know.
Posted by Nogbad at 00:12:00 9 careful considerations
Wednesday, 23 November 2005
Brilliant quote
Posted by Nogbad at 16:21:00 6 careful considerations
University accused of bias against Christian schools
According to an evangelical Christian school the University of California is discriminating against students from that school and they are taking the university to court. A spokesman for the university said,
"All we are saying is that unapproved courses cannot be submitted to satisfy the requirements for entry."The argument appears to be that some of the courses taught at Calvary Chapel Christian School simply don't meet the requirements of further study at the university and given the current debate about Intelligent Design it's probably easy to see how that might happen. How on earth can someone who has studied ID then go on to study Darwin at a higher level? Angie has a posting about the University of Kansas offering a course entitled "Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism and other Religious Mythologies" as a response to the state Board of Education adopting new science teaching standards which treat evolution as a flawed theory.
It looks like this one will run and run!
Posted by Nogbad at 15:45:00 0 careful considerations
Every generation.........
Suddenly the Internet is causing problems with homework.
Technological solutions alone will not be enough to prevent children using the internet to cheat in their coursework, a government adviser has said.and this is clearly a new threat!
Some years ago, back in the days of black & white, I submitted a piece of school work which I based on an article in the "Radio Times". Now, of course, I know that all academics are across every piece of work in their sphere but not then because I got a pass! Of course in those days I might also have popped down to Longsight library and selected a few choice phrases, suitably bowlderised, and slung them into my homework but I can't now - the library is a social centre.
Is any of this new? Is, once again, the Web the issue?
I helped Calum do his homework this weekend. It was "Solids, Liquids and Gasses" - not too tricky really, I can deal with molecular agitation and endomorphic and exomorphic reactions. I can explain the Carbon cycle and how plants use C6H12O6 and CO2 in photosynthesis and we played some great games discussing how soot comes from logs and the relationship between ice and steam and how heat releases the scent from candles. We also covered one of his favourite topics - steam engines and how energy is released from coal to produce motive force.
Were we cheating? Am I just another "middle class" parent giving my child a leg up? Who knows - but the web ain't any more a problem than the libraries that we used or the Readers Digest or anything else. And my father would be overjoyed to think that I'm middle class :-)
In my world academics have to stop shouting "foul" and accept that there is nothing new and the Web is no more a threat than anything else. Stop bitching and accept that it's out there and happening!
Posted by Nogbad at 01:29:00 16 careful considerations
Magistrates heard police raided her home and recovered seven cannabis plants, cultivation equipment and 17g of the drug in her kitchen.Pat has denied growing cannabis though the evidence appears, to my untutored eye, to be pretty damning and thus the case will go to Crown Court.
At first glance this may seem harsh, little old lady growing a bit of weed is crushed beneath the jackboot of police oppression but I say No! Cannabis is given to be a "gateway drug" and if we let her get away with seven plants now who knows where it might end? In a few years time she'll have thousands of acres of Northumbria given over to opium poppies and the economy of the golden triangle will collapse. The regeneration of war torn Afghanistan will stall and US and British soldiers will be there for generations because the economic heart has been ripped out of that benighted land. Chinese Triads will also suffer and the knock on effects on the cuisine of this country will be catastrophic. Legitimately employed drugs mules will be forced to claim benefits as the need to bring in these noxious drugs collapses. BA will probably have to cut flights and Customs and Excise will be laying off staff.
Of course, if she's paid her Poll Tax she should escape jail! Read the BBC's take on this here.
Posted by Nogbad at 00:16:00 4 careful considerations
Tuesday, 22 November 2005
Get tough on the unhealthy
A poll of more than 2,000 people by private health provider Bupa found 34% supported charges for treatment for people who smoke, drink or are obese.The BBC precise of this report is here.
More than four out of 10 favoured some sort of penalty for people they considered to have self-inflicted health problems.
And 8% said people who led an unhealthy lifestyle should be denied treatment.
My own view? Well let's ignore for one moment the additional revenue HMG currently gains from smokers and drinkers and look at some of the other issues we might address in this way - and don't forget that the new licensing hours kick in this week. Clearly anyone foolish enough to eat junk food should be excluded too and carcinogenic effect of eating meat has been know for a while so vegetarians only? Being born poor is just stupid so we should select by postcode and, a personal bugbear, Sun readers are often beyond help so lets charge them if they get ill too.
In fact my own view is that the best way of sorting this is that anyone over the age of 25 who doesn't have at least a degree should pay more for health care - big win this as it ties in nicely with HMG's drive for a better qualified workforce.
So there you have it - two policies for the price of one - and you know they followed my lead on nuclear power so if you only have a couple of GCSEs my advice is get studying and don't get sick or have a traffic accident or make the mistake of being born with a congenital defect or working in a high risk employment sector. If you feel that you may be a little off colour in the next few years best sign up for a Masters degree soonest as "qualification inflation" means that soon a BA or a BSc will only get you a couple of Asprin and you'll be sent to the back of the queue.
Posted by Nogbad at 10:48:00 6 careful considerations
Monday, 21 November 2005
Posted by Nogbad at 21:09:00 3 careful considerations
Sunday, 20 November 2005
HMG listens to Nog!
The UK is unlikely to meet its 2010 target of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 20%, the government's chief scientific advisor has admitted.Sir David King is the chief scientific gadgy quoted here on the BBC site. He then goes on to support my advice to build nuclear power plants, by 2101 we'll only be producing 4% of our energy requirements from nuclear plants. Of course Sir David hasn't mentioned reading my blog and no doubt will pretend that he thought this up all by himself - as if!
Posted by Nogbad at 12:39:00 15 careful considerations
Saturday, 19 November 2005
Spooky car advert
Strange but interesting. This is a car advertisement from Great Britain. When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact same spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon. Watch the front end of the car as it clears the trees in the middle of the screen and you'll see the white mist crossing in front of the car then following it along the road....Spooky!
Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide. If you listen to the ad, you'll even hear the cameraman whispering in the background about it near the end of the commercial (so make sure you have the sound on at a level you can hear it). A little creepy but pretty cool!
The file is a wmv (Windows media player) and is just over 800k. Click here to download it.
Posted by Nogbad at 21:55:00 5 careful considerations
John Timpson
Timpson and Redheadwere what made the Today programme compulsive listening every morning and millions of us laughed, gasped and screamed at the radio as they brought humanity, humility and humour to current affairs broadcasting. They managed to ask the questions we all wanted asked and didn't shirk from grilling heavyweight politicians. Timspon also wrote some lovely books and they focussed on the oddities and eccentricities of this country.
Posted by Nogbad at 14:31:00 0 careful considerations
Friday, 18 November 2005
Anyway. I hate being cold, I now have two duvets (one winter, one summer) on the bed and the heating might be on until March - we had snow in March this year! If all this stuff about global warming is true I think I'll do my bit by driving at 100MPH and burning fossil fuels at every opportunity (but not on the fire, logs are cleaner and look better). Stuff a 3 degree increase in average temperatures - I don't want them to fall below 16 even in winter!
Posted by Nogbad at 23:38:00 3 careful considerations
I think we're losing
The erosion of liberty. Four words sum up four years. Since the attacks of September 11 2001, we have seen an erosion of liberty in most established democracies. If he's still alive, Osama bin Laden must be laughing into his beard. For this is exactly what al-Qaida-type terrorists want: that democracies should overreact, reveal their "true" oppressive face, and therefore win more recruits to the suicide bombers' cause.Of course we all know that this is typical left-wing liberal bleeding heart stuff. Everyone in the UK knows that if we ignore the "Prevention of Terrorism Act", the fact that we cannot hold a political demonstration near our elected representatives and that those same representatives wish to take powers to hold, without charge, "suspects" for 90 days then our liberties haven't been eroded at all! And although the Patriot Act in the US allows for the government having the power to access your medical records, tax records, information about the books you buy or borrow without probable cause, and the power to break into your home and conduct secret searches without telling you for weeks, months, or indefinitely I'm sure it's all in the best interests of everyone..... unless they have dark skin and a beard (both of which I have).
Gotta go - someone is at the door..............
Posted by Nogbad at 00:50:00 4 careful considerations
Wednesday, 16 November 2005
On being a Northener
Now there's a place in Wigan a place you all should know
A busy little factory where things are all the go
They don't make Jakes or Eccles Cakes or things to stick on walls
But night and day they work away at Uncle Joe's Mint Balls
Sitting on the shelves opposite where I'm writing this is a small red tin. On it is the smiling face of a gentleman in a top hat.
Uncle Joe's Mint Balls keep you all aglow
Give 'em to your grannie and watch the beggar go
Away with coughs and sniffles, take a few in hand
Suck 'em and see, you'll agree
They're the best in all the land
Northerners are generally well spoken and rugged (the blokes are rugged too), we are fearless (find "Napolean's Retreat from Wigan" in the poems section of Mike Harding's site) and resolute. We support the underdogs - 30,000 used to turn up at Maine Road when City were in Division three - and retain our sense of humour no matter what, remember that Manchester and Liverpool are both in Lancashire whatever the Boundary Commision claim.
But what else distinguishes us from the rest? Is it the tradition of liberalism that gave birth to The Manchester Guardian? Is it our inherent work ethic which meant that we were the catalyst for the Industrial Revolution? Is it our generous welcome to all those who want to settle in the North - it's no coincidence that in 1908 a New Zealander and a German were working in Manchester when they invented the Rutherford-Geiger detector of single ionizing particles, still known as the Geiger Counter.
And yes - I have a flat cap :-)
Posted by Nogbad at 16:58:00 8 careful considerations
The antidote to A207
Posted by Nogbad at 12:31:00 0 careful considerations
Tuesday, 15 November 2005
Foster review of FE.
Further education was "the neglected middle child" between schools and universities.The words of Sir Andrew Foster in the report commissioned by the government to look into the FE sector. The full report is here and here is the BBC report. Frankly I'm sure anyone who has worked in FE will suggest that Sir Andrew is following the theme of the week and stating the bleeding obvious - I hope they make this an Olympic event because it seems that our present leaders are able to find world beaters at every opportunity.
Posted by Nogbad at 19:10:00 5 careful considerations
Classrooms without walls
Posted by Nogbad at 13:05:00 7 careful considerations
Peter Drucker
Peter Ferdinand Drucker, management consultant, born November 19 1909; died November 11 2005If you haven't heard of Drucker go and learn about him - a special guy in management theory who also made sense!
Posted by Nogbad at 00:37:00 5 careful considerations
Monday, 14 November 2005
And again..............
Officials acknowledge that any move to force the 15 million motorists who currently exceed the 70 mph speed limit to slow down would be "politically sensitive", but they say it would save significant amounts of carbon dioxide pollution. Engine efficiency falls quickly beyond 70 mph.Do all cars suffer from this decline in efficiency beyond 70 MPH? I have a feeling that BMW, Mercedes and Audi might have something to say about this! What about the latest generation diesel HDI engines?
I am not suggesting that this is a crock of rubbish but yet again the information we're being given is "dumbed down" to a level that Sun readers will accept and this process assumes a level of comprehension far below what I'd suggest is the average in this and any other country in the developed world.
I think we need to move away from the conditioned response that anything which saves the planet by reducing global warming is automatically good to one where there is a reasoned debate about balancing the needs of the planet with the needs of society. And I'm sure that there is no intention of filling the government's coffers with the windfall from enforcing motorway speed limits - that would simply be cynical wouldn't it?
Grasp the nettle. Stop generating power using fossil fuels, build nuclear power plants or gas fired plants (I know that gas is a fossil fuel but it's cleaner than coal and also doesn't have the same transport on-cost) and generate more power from renewable sources. Stop importing cheap, "dirty" coal from Poland to fire Drax (850g CO2 per kWh). 27 of the 30 dirtiest power plants are coal fired and four of them are in the UK according to WWF (that includes Drax) and Friends of the Earth (in a BBC report) point out that coal fired stations emit three times the volume of greenhouses gases that gas fired stations create.According the the government report;
Stricter enforcement of the 70 mph limit, the document says, would save 890,000 tons of carbon a year - more than the biofuels obligation and many other listed measures put together.Drax alone generates 16.49 million tonnes of CO2 each year, and for the sake of this argument the difference between tonnes and tons is immaterial. We can't simply close the coal fired stations, we still need the power, and how ever they are replaced there will be CO2 emissions but let's start looking at long term solutions rather than short term gimmicks. WWF have a wonderful summary page on Drax which looks at the effects of replacing Drax with another coal fired plant, a gas fired plant or renewables - and uses the number of cars taken off the roads as a comparison.
Am I being selfish and greedy when I drive at 80 MPH? Possibly. Am I endangering the plant? Possibly. If all of the 15 million who travel above the speed limit slow down will it cut CO2 emissions? Certainly. Will it make as much difference as a long term plan for cleaner energy generation? No. And is it a long term solution to anything - not even close. Look at power generation, a coherent public transport infrastructure, sensible planning, a real commitment to cutting greenhouse gas and stop messing about.
This latest suggestion is like changing the wiper blades when the engine blows up - or rearranging the deck chairs on The Titanic.
Posted by Nogbad at 11:26:00 9 careful considerations
Saturday, 12 November 2005

Posted by Nogbad at 19:16:00 4 careful considerations
Friday, 11 November 2005
Music again

Posted by Nogbad at 23:37:00 2 careful considerations
Desert Island music
Writing this I realise that I really cannot go to this mythical desert islands because of all the music I've not put on the list - I've just quickly counted and there are over 200 cassettes, the same again in CDs and 60 LPs here and it would be easier to take them all and make sure I have a connection to Amazon or similar so that I can keep buying more so, sorry, if anyone thought you were getting rid of me - I ain't going!
- Dylan - Blood on the tracks
- Dylan and the Band - Before the flood
- Bowie - Live at the Towers
- Sinatra - Live at the Sands
- Lynard Skynard - One more from the road
- Alice Cooper - From the inside
- The Who - Who's Next
- The Beatles - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
- Led Zepplin - Remasters (Okay I know it's a cheat as it's a compilation but it's my bloody list! :-))
- Springsteen - Born to run
- The Doors - LA Woman
- Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Brain Salad Surgery
- Steely Dan - Aja
- Al Stewart - Year of the cat
- U2 - Under a blood red sky
Posted by Nogbad at 00:31:00 12 careful considerations
Thursday, 10 November 2005
What file extension are you?
Which File Extension are You? (Yes - I should be working but...........)
Posted by Nogbad at 21:26:00 7 careful considerations
His name isn't Vince anymore though - he changed it by deed poll some years ago so you might know this chap by his stage name and if you ever get chance to see him in concert I'd grab it with both hands - Alice Cooper live is simply awesome.
Posted by Nogbad at 11:28:00 3 careful considerations
One eyed undertaker
I'm not a stress bunny anymore so I chilled with some sounds that I haven't listened to in ages.
They say I shot a man named Gray and took his wife to Italy,How good is that?And then my mind moved to all these things going round about the last book you read or the last CD you bought. I'm not playing that game but I now have a list of CDs I must have if I am ever stuck on that desert island, and you can keep the Bible, read it already and I know how it ends. The complete works of Shakespeare and the menu from the local Indian free delivery restaurant please. For my luxury? Well I guess that Joanna Whalley or Cheri Lunghi are out of the question?
She inherited a million bucks and when she died it came to me.
I can't help it if I'm lucky.
Posted by Nogbad at 00:14:00 2 careful considerations
Wednesday, 9 November 2005
More science for you
Now don't say I didn't warn you but............
According to this article at the New Scientist site looking at mucky pictures can make you go blind!
Posted by Nogbad at 00:59:00 7 careful considerations
Monday, 7 November 2005
Stating the bleeding obvious
The UK is responsible for 4% of the world's CO2, the US generates 25% of the CO2 output. The UK led the world in the development of renewable energy sources but messed up big style on all fronts and we now buy the technology we developed - and we have the NIMBYs who want cheap, non-CO2, energy but rail against wind farms and nuclear power. And in terms of global warming the effect of the thermal islands caused by large cites is far and away greater than CO2 production. The argument that man is actually changing the rate at which the earth's temperature is also not completely made - we are currently (officially) in an ice age and when the last one finished and the ice melted leaving this sceptered isle cut off from the mainland of Europe it had nothing to do with CFCs or light bulbs. The Met office cannot predict weather patterns much beyond 7 days ahead so the idea that they can say that the global temperature will have increased (or decreased) by x or y degrees in 100 years is a little thin isn't it?
The best way to make your fridge more efficient is to make sure it's full - I recommend Stella Artois and champagne. The best way to reduce energy consumption is to make sure that the fridge is near where you sit so that you don't have far to travel to it.
Posted by Nogbad at 11:29:00 21 careful considerations
Sunday, 6 November 2005
Nude Brits shop while drunk
Posted by Nogbad at 11:59:00 8 careful considerations
Saturday, 5 November 2005
I use Mailwasher Pro, a superb bit of kit that checks my email accounts every three minutes, downloads the headers, decides if it's someone I should be getting mail from, flags the spam and marks it for deletion and (when appropriate) bouncing. Those deleted are added to the blacklist and forever consigned to being ignored and told that I've moved/married/died/gone away or whatever is appropriate to stop them sending me adverts for extensions or Viagra or whatever. On a separate note - if you get a bounce notification from me you should ring and let me know. I once put a customer on the blacklist by mistake and nearly lost a few quid because Mailwasher convinced him that I was living a life of crime on the Costas!
Anyway. The preview pane in Mailwasher is text based rather than HTML. To dodge round heuristic spam protection most spammers put random text in the mail and bung the advert in as an image. Because Mailwasher ignores images I just see the text and frequently this is a terse "Get a capable HTML mail client" but increasingly the random text is interesting. It's philosophy or jokes or ramblings of amazing complexity (it has to make some sort of sense or the heuristic filters flag it as spam). From tonight's crop "Many difficulties which nature throws in our way, may be smoothed away by the exercise of intelligence" really made me think and sometimes there are long screeds of stuff that is really cool. "Life is governed by an economic system in which the production and consumption of insults tends to balance out" is probably true and I make no comment on "Never take a wife till thou hast a house (and a fire) to put her in".
The moral? Spam might be more useful than you think!
Posted by Nogbad at 01:14:00 1 careful considerations
Thursday, 3 November 2005
Cows with guns
Posted by Nogbad at 22:28:00 4 careful considerations
Wednesday, 2 November 2005
12 x 7
Posted by Nogbad at 09:45:00 1 careful considerations
More sheep stuff

Posted by Nogbad at 09:31:00 3 careful considerations
Tuesday, 1 November 2005

Posted by Nogbad at 14:03:00 4 careful considerations
Sunday, 30 October 2005
Saturday was rugby and Jemma really didn't enjoy it but Canterbury were superb and brushed aside Worthing in a really tough game. As a payback for making her go to watch we had a couple of hours shopping in Canterbury first and I upgraded my mobile so that she could have the old handset, she had damaged hers in a "phone down toilet" incident - I'm now the proud user of an SPV C550! Next weekend Canterbury play London Welsh in the cup and that's going to be very tough and the weekend after Richmond visit Cardy Field for a top of the table clash (see how I can drop into sports journalise?? :-))
Posted by Nogbad at 21:03:00 4 careful considerations